This is so out of character for me, but I’ve been working on myself, and God has led me here—so here we go.
Two years and four months into Sires Crown Natural Hair Essentials, and I know exactly how we got here.
The Start of My Natural Hair Journey
Let me be real with you—my hair is thick, coily, and unapologetically nappy! It has a mind of its own, and for years, I tried to tame it with perms, extensions, and flat irons. But in 2015, I hit a breaking point. It was just too much. The chemicals, the tension, the endless cycle of styles—I needed something different.
So natural it is, I started my natural hair journey with braids and sew-ins, believing they would help my hair thrive. Instead, I discovered my texture was kinky, with no defined curl pattern, and worst of all, my edges were struggling. The so-called "protective" styles had left them thin and patchy.
At the same time, my son had started his loc journey, and I began noticing different styles of locs that I had never considered before. To be honest, I had some misconceptions about locs—I thought they were unclean. But that changed when I came across SisterLocs®. The look captivated me, and I went deep into my research, scrolling through Pinterest and eventually reaching out to a consultant.
Then came the sticker shock. $1,800 just to get started?
Thankfully, my path led me to Ms. Nia Green of The Nappy Sanctuary—a queen with a beautiful spirit who would later play a major role in Sires Crown. During my consultation, she introduced me to Microlocs, or as she called them, Nappy Locs. They gave me the look I wanted without the hefty price tag and marathon installation hours.
So, in April 2017, I made my appointment and was ready for my loc transformation. But there was one problem—my appointment wasn’t until Thursday, and I had already taken my braids down for my consultation. For the first time, I had to face the world in what I call my “uncovered natural state.”
Facing the World with My Natural Hair
That Monday morning, I walked into work rocking my first public wash-and-go. My hair was out, free, and untamed. I’ll never forget the look on my director’s face when he saw me. A Black man, no less, he asked:
"Are you leaving your hair like that? Do you really think that’s professional enough for your role as Chief of Staff for a VP?"
I was stunned. Speechless.
I should have addressed it in that moment, but instead, I let it linger in the back of my mind. From that day forward, my natural hair became a silent challenge in my workplace. And when I finally got my locs? The questions, the stares, the unsolicited opinions—they all came flooding in.
But this was my new normal, and I wasn’t turning back.
The “Ugly” Phase & Finding the Right Products
As I moved through the early phases of my loc journey, doubt crept in. Was this really the right move? Would I regret it?
If you’ve ever had locs, you know about the infamous “teenage phase” when your locs are forming but not quite settled. It’s awkward. It’s frustrating. But Nia kept encouraging me: “See it through. When you get to the other side, you’ll be grateful for the journey.”
And she was absolutely right!
By the fall of 2017, my locs were developing, but there was a problem—they were dry and dull. No matter what products I used, my hair remained brittle and thirsty. I tried everything labeled for natural hair, for but nothing worked.
One day, I vented my frustrations to Nia. Her response changed everything:
"Some hair needs daily hydration. You must learn your hair and create a routine that works for you. Maybe that means making your own products."
Wait… make my own products?
From Experiment to Essentials: Creating the Original Crown Mist
That one conversation sent me straight into research mode. I became obsessed with finding natural, healing ingredients that could nourish my hair. Trying to find what promoted, natural hair growth, and the best hair care products for natural hair. I wanted something simple yet powerful—something that would promote growth, restore moisture, and truly care for my crown.
I spent hours experimenting in what my husband jokingly calls “the lab.” Through trial and error, I discovered the perfect blend of essential oils:
- Rosemary – to boost circulation and strengthen follicles
- Horsetail Grass – for hair growth and natural conditioning
- Lavender– to soothe and invigorate the scalp
· Cedarwood – to stimulate the scalp and promote thickness
· Thyme – for its antimicrobial properties and ability to help with hair loss
The result? A game-changer. What started as an experiment turned into what we now call our Sires Crown Proprietary Blend of Essentials oils. These oils are the basis of all our products. Utilizing this unique blend of oils in combination with rosewater gave me the daily moisture I needed but also the nutrients to promote hair health and growth. All in one bottle which became our Original Crown Mist.
But I didn’t stop there.
I needed an oil—something rich but not too heavy. Back to the lab I went, crafting the perfect mix of carrier oils:
- Jamaican Black Castor Oil – to thicken and strengthen
- Jojoba Oil – for lightweight moisture
- Grapeseed Oil – to nourish without weighing hair down
To combine with the essential oils that I had already crafted. The combination became our Original Crown Growth Oil, and for the first time, my hair thrived.
Over the next few years, I continued to use both the mist and oil and my locs were flourishing, and people started asking what I was using. I shared it with family, and a few select friends but most of the time I just told them I created my own.
The Birth of Sires Crown
Fast forward to 2022.
By now, my locs were long, healthy, and full of life. People stopped me constantly to ask about my regimen. But what truly sealed the deal was the arrival of my beautiful grandson, Sire.
At just four months old, Sire developed a severe case of cradle cap. I started applying the oil I had been making, and to my amazement, his scalp healed, and his hair started growing. My family took notice.
"You have something special here. You need to bottle this up."
And that’s exactly what I did.
Thus, Sires Crown Natural Hair Essentials was born September 29, 2022, and officially launched on October 26, 2022.
Thank you for being part of this journey with me!
Nurture your roots, embrace your crown, and grow beyond. Until next time!
LaShawn Johnson
Founder, Sires Crown Natural Hair Essentials
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